

We ensure the recovery of your computer equipment throughout France to give it a second life.

Rapidly evolving IT technologies often make equipment obsolete in no time at all. This leaves you with a crucial question: what should you do with your obsolete or no longer needed IT equipment?

When it comes to taking back equipment, we support our customers from the initial assessment of their needs right through to the recovery of the equipment (reuse, recycling). Whether on the customer’s site or in a datacentre, our experts will know how to comply with the IT equipment disposal process. Rely on ALTERNATIVE for a fast, supervised and secure takeover.

We understand that data security is a major concern. That’s why we implement strict procedures to ensure the confidentiality of your sensitive information. Following the IT asset recovery, all data stored on your equipment is securely and irreversibly erased, in accordance with industry standards.

Evaluate and quote

Upstream environmental analysis

De-racking and packaging

Equipement recovery (reuse or recycle)

Definitive and secure data erasure

Secure transport to our operational center

Évaluation du besoin et devis

Analyse de l’environnement en amont

Transport sécurisé vers notre centre opérationnel

Dérackage et conditionnement

Effacement définitif et sécurisé des données

Valorisation du matériel (réemploi ou recyclage)

Contact us to evaluate your decommission project

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